Before contacting the Administration Manager regarding the Application Form, we recommend that you first read the information pack. To download the Pottery Gardens information pack please click on the following link – Pottery Gardens Information Pack.
If you feel you meet the criteria for residence at Pottery Gardens then an application package can be obtained by contacting the Administration Manager on 9428 2005 or by e-mailing
We maintain a waiting list of prospective residents. It may take more than a year before a unit becomes available. Applications are only accepted from prospective residents who will be ready to move into Pottery Gardens within three months if they are currently renting, or six months if they need to sell their own home.
On receipt of an application, each applicant must attend an interview with the Selection Committee. Once an applicant has been accepted onto the waiting list, their application will be considered in list order, except where the Selection Committee deems an applicant to be in exceptionally needy circumstances.
Residents must be at least 55 years old, except in extenuating circumstances where an applicant requires a double unit with one of the partners being at least 55 years old. Preference will be given to those who have fully retired, but if not, a resident must not be in paid employment for more than 20 hours per week. An association with Lane Cove is favourably considered, so that prospective residents have established affinities with the local area.
Priority will be given to applicants on a Centrelink pension / benefit subject to provision of a current Centrelink statement with their application. If not on any Centrelink benefit a current Taxation Return must be provided.
Before entering Pottery Gardens, a prospective resident must provide a satisfactory medical certificate from a medical practitioner nominated by the Association (at its cost) and thereafter annually at the resident’s cost. Residency continues as long as the resident is capable of self-care and is not disruptive to other residents. If either of these becomes an issue the resident may be asked to leave.
After acceptance and prior to entry, an applicant must pay the applicable Non-refundable Entry Contribution of $15,000 for a single unit and $16,000.00 for a double unit (as at July 2010, but see current figures in our Information Pack). If the applicant is unable to pay this in full before entry, the contribution is increased by $2,000.00 and all entry fees must then be paid in regular instalments over a period of 5 years or less as determined by the Selection Committee.
In addition a $200 refundable deposit must be paid at the time of entry to cover any expenses incurred by the Association when the Resident eventually vacates the unit. If the unit is left empty, clean and tidy, except for normal wear and tear, this deposit will be refunded.
A Recurrent Charge is payable every 4 weeks in advance. For single units this is 25% of the Single Age Pension and for double units it is 20% of the Couple Age Pension. Following increases in the Centrelink Age Pension this charge will increase proportionally but will remain at 25% of the new single and 20% of the new couple pension.
Where 2 persons occupy a double unit, should one of them vacate the unit for any reason, the remaining Resident must continue paying the recurrent charge at the double unit rate until they vacate the unit. The remaining Resident may move to the first available single unit if they wish, subject to a non refundable contribution being paid in some circumstances.
Every resident is required to be a member of the Association. A new resident must pay the Annual Membership of $2 before entry and thereafter prior to each AGM.