Lane Cove Retirement Units Association Limited
The association is a company limited by guarantee. Residents of Pottery Gardens become Resident Members of the Association by paying a nominal annual subscription. Their annual general meeting elects eight persons to the Board of Directors. These may include two resident members. The Board also includes two Councilors representing Lane Cove Council as nominated directors, and up to two specialist co-opted directors, making 12 directors in total.
Pottery Gardens is subject to the NSW Retirement Villages Act. The Association is a self-funded entity not affiliated with any other organisation and is responsible only to its members – the residents. It is adequately resourced and has secure financial reserves for the future.
The residents of Pottery Gardens appreciate the support given in the past by both the Federal and State Governments, and the ongoing support by Lane Cove Council for nearly 50 years. Thanks to the generosity of ratepayers and tax payers the Lane Cove Retirement Units at Pottery Gardens are still able to offer an essential accommodation service for many older residents who would find it a struggle to afford privately rented housing.